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The Age of Indifference

August 14, 2006

Romans 13:11-12, "And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.  The night is far spent the day is at hand.  Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light."

My heart is heavy, my soul is burdened, and as so many who have been called, anointed and charged to preach a message of warning and repentance to this nation, I am a weary man.  Though the time is upon us, though undeniable events continue to come to pass, still most of Christendom suffers from a severe case of abject indifference.  I often feel as though I am a man standing outside a building engulfed in flames, screaming at the top of my lungs for those inside to come out, to save themselves, to escape the fire, while all the while, those inside stand by the windows and wave merrily, coffee in one hand, donut in the other, unaware of the tragedy that is about the befall them.  Seeing that they will not heed the warning, the only option left is to run into the burning building and drag as many out, by force if need be, and lead them to safety.  This is the mindset that I have adopted over the years, for since early youth, when I served as my grandfather's translator, I realized that some would hear, and heed but most would not.  

There is no doubt God has been merciful to this nation, first having raised up men from within your own borders to speak a heavy but needed truth, men who were promptly dismissed or ridiculed as being instigators, those who would enjoy to stir up provocation, simply for the sake of being provocative.  Though the message fell, in large part, on deaf ears, they labored, and wept, and labored some more, for it was their calling, their mission their sovereign duty toward an omnipotent God, one they could not as readily dismiss, as the message itself had been by the masses.  

Then in His infinite mercy, God called on faithful servants from half a world away, and placed the same message in their hearts, in some cases almost identical, and sent them in the hope that perhaps the nation might heed the message if spoken from new lips.  These too were promptly rejected, either for being too harsh, not having the right credentials, or not having graduated from a proper theological seminary.  We have found a reason, and an excuse to reject every messenger that has come, that has spoken and that has warned.  

In their hearts, some consider, that surely God is merciful enough to send yet another messenger, to give yet another warning, as though they were waiting for a bus, they think to themselves, 'I'll catch the next one, I'll believe next one', but I say to you this day, the warnings have ended.  To be clear in what I am trying to relay, for this is the core reason I write this article today, I will repeat myself; the warnings have ended.  No new messengers are waiting in the wings, no new warnings are coming, but merely the visions and forewarnings of the specific judgments that are about to unfold.  These words are not my own, and I write them with a heavy heart, but on three separate occasions while in prayer, I heard the same phrase repeated, over and over again, 'the warnings have ended, the warnings have ended.'

The time has come for the true servants of God to weep between the porch and the altar, to lament and cry out, to stand in the gap and be fearless for righteousness' sake.  If you must stand alone dear brother, than so stand, for you will be in good company, counted among such giants of the faith as Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.  They too stood alone in the face of overwhelming odds, with only the truth of God's word on their side, but the truth proved to be more than enough.  So I say this day, to you whom God has been urging to step up, to take up the charge, to be on the front lines of the battle that is raging, be fearless in unmasking deception, and propagating righteousness, for you are on the side of right.  If our desire were to spread a false gospel, to deceive the sheep, to bring division to the house of God, then there would be reason for fear, for God Himself would be set against us, but since He stands with you, since He is the one urging you into battle, be bold, and brave and confident in Him you will always be the majority.  

Recently I was rereading Foxe's Book of Martyrs, and weeping thought to myself, where have all the valiant defenders of truth gone, those that even in the face of death would proclaim the name of Christ, and pour out their lives to their final breath for His sake, with a smile on their lips?  Is their time past?  Surely it cannot be, for this is the greatest time in the history of the Church, the time in which God needs warriors, faithful and true, fearless and uncompromising to do battle against the forces of darkness.  No, the time for the valiant, faithful soldier is not passed, but rather many of those who have been called to this service are quick to bow out, finding either excuse or justification for their unwillingness to do battle.  

The time has come to blow the trumpet, while time still remains, for it is quickly running out, and the sheep that slumber are too many to number.  It is incumbent upon all servants of righteousness to proclaim truth, and defend it, if need be with their very lives.  

Jude 20-23, "But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.  And on some have compassion, making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh."

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

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