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God's Promises What He Said and What He Didn't

There is an epidemic in the contemporary church of individuals believing things God never said and denying the promises God did make to His elect. If it were not so tragic, it would be comical to see how tightly some people cling to promises God never made yet dismiss the ones He did.

There are things people insist God said that are not to be found within the canon of Scripture. Likewise, there are glorious promises He made to His children that many are unaware of or do not understand the full extent of. Believing a lie is just as dangerous as being ignorant of the truth, especially when it comes to things God has declared.

The premise of this book is simple: determine the promises God made and the ones He didn't, then stand on the truth of His Word while rejecting the fables of men. It is only by knowing what God promised and believing that He can fulfill His promises and will do so that we can mature our faith and trust in Him.

Before we can move mountains, we must ensure that we can move boulders. Before receiving great things, we must be faithful in the little. Before yearning to see the fulfillment of God's promises, we must know what they are.


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