Hand of Help Ministries - An Apology - handofhelp.com - Printer Friendly Version - Print

An Apology

March 20, 2005

It has been some time since I've posted articles on the Hand of Help website with any regularity, and for this I apologize to all who visit this site on a regular basis.  It is not for lack of desire to do so, or because I've exhausted all the topics which burn in my heart daily, but because for the past few months I have been traveling non stop throughout the United States preaching the word of God.

It is difficult living out of a suitcase, and rarely sleeping in the same bed on two consecutive nights, but the reward of seeing souls stirred to repentance, of seeing the once brightly burning love of God rekindled in the hearts of those who have allowed their fire to wane, far outweighs any sacrifice we are called to make.

Although I will still be traveling extensively until my return to Romania in August, my schedule will allow me to sit down and write whatever God stirs me to write from time to time.

We are living in an age when the truth of God's word is being rejected for the opinions of men, and when men would rather hear the sugar coated message of a compromising faith, then the often times harsh truth of the Gospel of Christ.

We press on, taking the criticism with which we are faced for not being willing to twist scripture to our own advantage in stride, knowing that truth will outlast us all, and though men have tried to kill the truth all they were able to accomplish was to temporarily stifle it from time to time.

The day is soon approaching when the superficial faith of superficial men will fail them, when all doctrine not anchored and rooted in God's holy word will be proven to be what it actually is, merely the doctrine of men.

Now is the hour when God's children must know without any doubt that they stand on the Word of God, for all that is not of God will be shaken and torn asunder.

Thank you for your patience, thank you for your prayers, and may God bless you for desiring to know the truth of His word.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

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