Letters To The Churches - handofhelp.com - Printer Friendly Version - Print

Letters To The Churches

March 1994

I had gone to bed early - about 8:00 p.m. I woke up between midnight and 1:00 a.m.  I got up and prayed, then went back to bed.  I dreamed there was a lot of turmoil outside, and I kept hearing everyone yell, "Jesus is coming!  Jesus is coming!"  I looked out, and saw a very large red cloud.  When I looked at it, it's outer edges could not be seen.  As I continued to look, I saw a tall man come out of the cloud.  He was so tall that, although his feet touched the ground, I could not see his head.  Rays of light began to explode out of the man.  When one would pass by me, I would fall to the ground.  I could not look at him with my eyes because he was too bright.  He then began to hand me letters.  They were addressed to certain churches.  I knew that these must be American churches because I did not recognize the names as being Romanian.  The first letter said, "My people who are discouraged and beaten by the storms, many who have let themselves be beaten by the enemy, stand up!  Cry out before God, that He may save you!"

The man kept coming and giving me more letters with names of churches of different denominations, and also independent churches.  He gave me very many papers.  Then he said to me, "When you finish taking these papers where you are supposed to, you will see something that you have never seen before."

There was a thunder and the voice spoke again: "Tell all my people to pray and to repent.  The days have been shortened because of all the iniquities.  My people, repent, because the days are numbered."

I began to see the days passing by, but whenever the ray of light would pass by me, I would fall.  The days were passing so quickly that I could not count them.

The voice spoke again, "Tell my people that I tried to wake them up through powerful storms, fires, floods and earthquakes, but even then they would not wake up.  This is why I will pour out my wrath when they least expect it."

The angel gave me a scripture: Joel 2:12-13, "Now therefore says the Lord, Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping and with mourning.  So rend your heart, and not your garments; Return to the Lord your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm."

After these things, the cloud, and the angel began to fade away.

When I awoke, I was wet with sweat...

Excepted from: 
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

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