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(25 yr old girl) She is no longer in the orphanage. Please consider sponsoring someone else.


About Me

In January 2018 we were blessed to be able to see another young girl step out of the orphanage and start independent life. Petronela – Daniela finished her High School studies in the summer of 2017 (Economics) and started college in one of Romania's major cities, renowned for its academic interest – Cluj. Hand of Help has supported Petronela with her move and provided the financial resources to help her start her new life and begin her studies.

Even though Petronela is no longer a part of our center, please keep her in your prayers. We believe that God can guide her through the many changes in her life and be her support and her constant. We thank you for being close to our children and giving them a chance at a future. It is only by God's grace that we are able to continue this work and we pray that every seed planted brings forth fruit in His time.

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