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Sebastian-Madalin Sponsor

(22 yr old boy)


About Me

In February 2006, at the age of only four and after losing his mother, Sebastian came to our orphanage. Knowing that he was living with an abusive alcoholic father, his mother's relatives asked for our help as Sebastian had to be removed from that harmful environment.

His aunt and uncle continued to be loving and kind to Sebastian, having him over multiple times during weekends and holidays. However, not long after, Sebastian had to suffer yet another terrible loss - his uncle died in a car accident. Sebastian was overwhelmed and extremely troubled when heating the news. We prayed a lot for him, asking our Lord, the only One able to heal the wounds, to comfort him and hide him under the shadow of His wings, assuring him that he will find the strength to overcome this atrocious event. He was hurt and could not understand why he had to lose his loving mother and uncle in such a short period.

But with His help, Sebastian slowly got better. He is a clever student. He enjoys activities that require full attention to details and also drawing and playing table tennis. He is also a part of the church's orchestra, playing the block flute. He loves rehearsing and studies a lot in his free time.

Please join us in praying for Sebi (as all of us call him). We know that our Lord is the only One able to fill the void that he has been experiencing after the death of his loved ones. It is our desire to embrace him with all the love that we ourselves have been embraced with by Him, helping Him become a strong young adult and a model of affection, kindness, obedience and faithfulness.

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