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Culita I

(15 yr old boy) He is no longer in the orphanage. Please consider sponsoring someone else.


About Me

Culita was born in 2009, and despite having both parents alive, he grew up neglected and unsupervised. He was one of many siblings living in a tiny place, with no access to proper care and surviving off the monthly child allowance given by the Romanian Government.

He would often skip school, and when he did make it to his classes, he lacked any motivation to study and the proper resources to develop his abilities. He soon fell victim to the bad influence of other children and teens around him who drew him into their web. He got caught in dangerous acts, and nothing seemed to help him stop and change his direction.

After months of living unsupervised and struggling alone, we were overjoyed to see Culita in our center after our team went to the Social Service Emergency Housing Center to bring him and four other children "home."

We knew he would finally be able to have the love, care, and guidance he desperately needed.

The first week Culita moved into one of our houses, he was so unaccustomed to this type of environment that his first reaction was to want to flee. But by the grace of God, in a matter of weeks, he understood the importance of following the rules and saw the beneficial effects in his life.

Our social workers spent extra time with Culita to help him catch up with his classes. He made immense progress being a part of a family and experiencing the love, care, attention, supervision, but also correction of a family. Culita participated in numerous activities meant to help him develop abilities and skills. He made new friends and also started playing the block flute in our orchestra.

Throughout this time, Culita continued to visit his family – during weekends and school breaks. His wish was to be reunited with his family once their situation improved. Their relationship grew stronger, and his parents made some important changes in their lives. The Child Protection agents started visiting them regularly and noticed their progress – they were both employed, had a proper home, and wanted to take care of their son.

Culita is now back with his parents. Being a diligent child, he recouped much of the time he missed in school and learned much in his years with us.

Even though he was with us for just a short time, we pray that the seed planted will bring forth much fruit. We are grateful for the opportunity God has given us to share the Gospel with yet another child.

Thank you for being an active part of our ministry! May God amply reward all your labor!

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