Sponsor Today - Hand of Help Ministries - handofhelp.com - Printer Friendly Version - Print

Sponsorship Form (Optional: Log in or Sign up to auto-fill form)

The Child of the Month is Alexandru M

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Card Expiration

If you choose the 31st and there are only 30 days, it will take out on the last day of the month (28th in February, 30th in September, etc). If you need assistance setting up or cancelling a recurring donation, please contact the Hand of Help office at 920-206-9910 during the hours of 9am-5pm Central.

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The average monthly sponsorship amount is approximately $25.00 per month. The cost however, needed to raise a child per month, is $500.00. This covers food, clothing, education, orphanage operations, teachers, doctor and general employee salaries whom are needed to care for the orphans, as well as school tuitions for the trade schools and universities after the children leave the orphanage.

Each sponsor has the option of deciding the amount in which they desire to support their child or family. We would like to generate enough sponsors to meet the financial need for each child. In whatever amount you chose to benefit your sponsored orphan, know that each child will be taken care of with the same loving care, regardless.

Thank you for your heart in blessing the Romanian orphans and impoverished families.

As you have done it unto to the least of these, you have done it unto me
Matthew 25:40

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