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The Last Days Of The Church XLIX

If we know the problem and we know the remedy, then why can’t we fix the church and then the world? Why can’t I be just a tad hopeful that we will course correct and return to truth and righteousness as our banner rather than the multi-colored flags some churches have taken to flying from their steeples? Because the church isn’t a lawn mower or a vacuum cleaner. The church isn’t a tool, a gadget, or a piece of equipment. It is comprised of members who have free will and autonomy, and though a doctor might write you a prescription, it’s up to you to pick it up from the pharmacy and follow the instructions diligently.

It’s not that God didn’t want to heal and restore; it’s that men resisted Him and were unwilling to do as He commanded in order to be healed. God said as much through Jeremiah when it came to Babylon, wherein had it not resisted, it would have likewise been healed.

Even though the Lord is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, many are, because they refuse to do the one thing that will keep them from perishing. It’s sad and tragic but an ever-present reality that seems more evident with each passing day.

2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”

If God’s desire is that all should come to repentance, why doesn’t He just make them? Because that would not be true repentance of heart; it would be merely forced compliance. We have seen what happens long-term when forced compliance is visited upon an individual, a nation, or the entire world. Eventually, people become bitter, angry, and resentful toward those who force them to do something against their will, whether by threat of being fired from their job or shunned by society.

Jesus said, take My yoke upon you and learn from Me. It must be a voluntary action, not forced upon any man, for if the yoke is forced upon the neck of an individual, soon it will begin to chafe, and bitterness and resentment are not far off. He is willing to give to all who are willing to receive in full understanding of what they are receiving. Once you take His yoke upon you, you are no longer your own; you are His. You go where He leads, do as He commands, and submit to His authority in all things.  

God is not interested in automatons who serve Him mechanically but have no love in their hearts for Him or desire to obey Him. You’ll never hear someone say they genuinely love God because He made them do it. We love Him because He first loved us and sent Jesus to reconcile us unto Him, not because He kept His knee on our chest until we finally relented. Jesus is not a tyrant, nor is the One who sent Him, so He stands at the door and knocks, and if anyone hears His voice and opens the door, He will enter therein.

Revelation 3:20, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

Irresistible grace may sound good on paper, except for the Scripture passages that clearly say otherwise and the countless souls who resist it daily. It can’t be thrust upon anyone without their consent, and more often than not, no matter how well you try to explain it or the passion with which you detail it, they will still reject it because their sin is more of a priority to them than forgiveness or being reconciled to God.

Jesus didn’t say He’d kick in your door and keep you in a choke hold until you cried, uncle. He said He stands at the door and knocks, and if you hear His voice and open the door, then you can fellowship with Him. Whether He facilitates someone hearing the knock or makes sure they do is a topic worth pondering, but it’s still up to the individual to open the door.

If God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance, and it was something He could force, compel, or otherwise make happen, then Him not doing so would not only be a cruel and heartless thing but contravene His declared desire that none should perish.

We’re twisting ourselves into pretzels, and the way is no longer clear before us because we’ve disregarded and swept aside the one thing that serves as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Without the light of the Word, we wander in darkness, never surefooted or certain about which way to go, either falling behind or stalling altogether, giving heed to teachings and ruminations that stunt our growth and serve as a paralytic to our walk.

Some of us are stuck in the same place, wandering in a circle, and seeing no clear path forward, not because there isn’t one but because we chose to follow our hearts, our feelings, or other men’s directions rather than submitting to Scripture and doing as it commands.

Anyone who studies early church history readily understands that this is not a new malady; it’s not a new disorder or a modern-day invention. Gnostics, agnostics, mystics, and all manner of divergent and unbiblical practices existed at the genesis of it all. Paul confronted such things in his letters to the Corinthians, the Galatians, and the Colossians, and John spent the better part of his epistles sounding the alarm against such aberrant doctrines.

They weren’t being unloving or contentious, nor were they trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. They understood the grave dangers associated with believing something contrary to Scripture and the detrimental effects it would have on the household of faith.

The one glaring difference between then and now is that there is a lot more aberrant doctrine and a lot fewer men warning about it. This has created the perfect environment for the flood of strange fire and unbiblical teaching we’ve seen of late, and watching it wash over the church with only a handful still standing on the truth of scripture can be disheartening, if not outright demoralizing.

More and more are being turned aside to fables, as Paul warned, giving heed to deceiving spirits, whether due to their desire to feel spiritually superior or because they have itching ears and cannot abide in the truth. It is a choice men make, whether for good or ill. Men choose to cling to Christ and the truth of Scripture, or they go in search of fables and doctrines of men that allow them to hopscotch between the church and the world without the weight of accountability or consequence of action.

They’re looking for someone to give them a license to pursue the lusts of the flesh while reassuring them that it will hold no eternal repercussions. Do as you will has been the motto of the lukewarm and duplicitous for millennia, but no matter who the individual giving you consent might be or how many degrees he might have nailed to his wall, as long as God’s position is well-defined in Scripture, He is still against it.

The Word of God will stand as a testimony against those who choose to ignore it or dismiss it. Not men’s doctrines, teachings, or theories, but the Word of God. It is the Word we must be in harmony with, and it’s authority we must submit to, and nothing else.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea, Jr.  

Posted on 30 August 2024 | 9:49 am

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