If there is one silver lining in this, it’s Paul’s insistence that, at some point, such men will hit a wall and will progress no further. Not only that, but their folly will be manifest to all, just as the folly of Jannes and Jambres was. I’ve spent an excessive amount of time contemplating what will precipitate their terminal point. What is it that will cause such men to progress no further and even more have their folly exposed to one and all?
Is it that even the servants of darkness are on a leash, just
as their master was concerning Job, wherein at first he was not allowed to harm
his flesh, then not allowed to take his life? Is it that at some point, their
mockery and heresy of the sacrosanct becomes so foul as to cause God to clean
house in a fiery and permanent sort of way? Or perhaps the reality of life
itself will shatter their teachings into a million pieces, thereby making their
folly apparent to everyone.
Yet another possibility is that their grift is no longer
profitable; it no longer generates legal tender, and so they move on to
something new, more gnostic and ethereal in nature, that wouldn’t have to
contend with the scriptures.
Perhaps it will be all of these things, one of these things,
or none of these things, but the Word of God declares that they will not
progress any further. At some point, they will hit a wall, and the damage
inflicted will be wholly dependent on how fast they were going when they did.
There is a difference between advancing, being static, and
retreating. Paul doesn’t say the world will be put aright, or that these
individuals will no longer have sway over those they’ve already deceived, but
that their progress will cease to have momentum. They will no longer progress.
They will have reached a point where they can no longer make any headway or
have any fresh blood bolstering their ranks.
You’d be surprised how far some are willing to go when they
dig their heels in. To the last, there were people who believed that a guy in
Coke bottle glasses was the reincarnate Christ, even when all evidence pointed
to the contrary and their lives were on the line. Once deceived, it is a
herculean task to return someone to the way of truth, and if not for the grace
and mercy of God, not a one could be restored with words alone.
Since deception and deceivers have existed since the early
church, Paul’s warning underscores the likelihood of an exponential growth in
deceivers, as well as those who will be deceived. Jesus Himself confirms this
when He tells us time and again that many will come in His name, deceiving
While the church is asleep, the devil is hard at work. Worse
still, those within the church who claim to serve one master while doing the
bidding of another are doing their best to gaslight believers into believing
that standing against evil and pointing out wickedness is itself evil and
There were more pastors and preachers who jumped to the
defense of the mockery of the Last Supper that went on during the Olympics a
few weeks back than ever did to defend a young woman who was sentenced to three
years of prison time for quoting scripture in front of an abortion clinic.
Virtue signaling at its best or its worst depending on where you stand, but
nevertheless putrid and grotesque.
Just like the devil tried two thousand years ago, these
wolves use scripture itself to undergird their point, omitting crucial words
here and there. They know they’re lying through their teeth. They know they’re
excusing the vilest, most contemptible blasphemy, but they don’t care.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked. Such are the men of whom
Paul warned, men of corrupt minds disapproving concerning the faith.
It wasn’t what it looked like! It wasn’t what you thought it
was! You’re a bigot if you notice it anyway!
There were a thousand different ways to present this
travesty, yet they chose the one that most resembled the Last Supper, the
Christ, and the disciples thereof. It was as intentional as putting on socks in
the morning, and don’t you doubt it for a second.
They could have had thirteen dudes in dresses jump out of a
clown car, pretend to be on a rafting trip, do a tap dance number, reimagine
Alexander the Great and his retinue, or sing a cappella while twirling
glowsticks, but they chose to reenact one of the most important, impacting, and
memorable moments of Christ’s life, next to His birth, death, and resurrection.
If you think this was an accident, then you don’t understand
the devil, and he’s already won. If you’ve inverted God’s command and rather
than hate evil and love good, you love evil and hate good, at least stop
calling yourself a pastor, minister, leader, or whatever fanciful title you
choose to cloak yourself in. Make no mistake, evil is what it was. If you try
to excuse this or make allowances for it in any way, you have become what Paul
warned of. How blind can a generation be to the wiles of the devil before there
no longer remains any hope of its survival?
They didn’t do an oopsie, and when they got caught in open
blasphemy, they even apologized after being called out on it, but to hear the
tale told by some pastors, it is these mockers and blasphemers who will be the
first in line at the pearly gates, and you hateful, bigoted, unloving,
unaccepting peasants who deny yourselves, pick up your crosses, and follow
after Christ will be on the outside looking in. That’ll teach you!
This is where we are. The words and warnings of Paul
regarding the last days of the church are coming to pass in real-time, and it
will only intensify, amplify, and get worse until it doesn’t. At some point,
their folly will be manifest to all, and they will progress no further.
It turns out that every time perverts, pederasts, hedonists,
and heretics told us we’d be on the wrong side of history if we chose to stand
on the truth of Scripture, they were wrong. Demonstrably, verifiably wrong. The
rest of the world is catching up and agreeing that perhaps it’s not ideal to
shoot up pre-pubescent children with drug cocktails until irreversible damage
is done to them after all. Wouldn’t you know it, it is they who were on the
wrong side of history all along, but they tried to browbeat and guilt the
people of God into silence so they could have their way without any pushback or
This time will be no different except in one sad and tragic
way: while those who have no particular allegiance to Christ are warning the
church that its silence will spell its doom, those who insist that they were
handpicked to lead the nations into righteousness are vilifying anyone who
dares to point to Scripture and call sin what it is. When the godless have more
discernment than those who deem themselves godly, it’s time to pack it in and
get ready for the festivities. Lest we forget, judgment begins in the house of
God first, and that time is right around the corner. Looking at what’s been
happening in the church of late, one might rightly conclude that it’s already
With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea, Jr.
Posted on 15 August 2024 | 9:44 am
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